Three piece family tomb of St. Magdalena,relief carving

Three piece family tomb of St. Magdalena,relief carving

In this family grave is in the middle part of St. Magdalene with ointment jar. Above her is the symbol of the Trinity on a cloud. It is highlighted by a directed beam to Earth. The St. Mary Magdalene and the circular end are worked out in relief. The arc formed by the shape of an omega and stands for the end of earthly life. The middle section is 78 inches high and 27 inches wide. The slight left and right at an angle to the direction of the center 61 inches high and 19 inches wide lithic panels provide space for the names of the deceased. Protect the end grain sides through direct copper patch panels. Taken in the oak wood with black pigmented oil. Very elaborate, representative family tomb.
Dimensions as shown: Height 78 inches, overall width of about 80 inches

tomb with relief caring, representative family tombwooden tombs and grave crosses, cemetery crosssegrave with St. Magdalene with Trinity on a cloud, relief